Fee Structure

Fee  Structure

Fee Structure
Registration fee (Pre-Nur to VIII th) 500/- (New students)
Admission fee for Play to Vth 2100/- (One time)
Admission feet V to VIII th 3100/- (One time)
Prospectus Charge 200/-
Class wise Tuition Fee
Play - Nursery 500/-
L.kg - Ukg 550/-
Std. 1 & 2 600/-
Std 3 & 4 650/-
Std 5 & 6 700/-
Std 7 800/-
Std 8 1000/-
Payment Mode- Cash/Cheque/Debit Card/ E-Wallet Miscellaneous/Annual Fee
Play- UKG 1000/-
Std. 1st to Std. 4th 1500/-
Std. 5th to Std. 8th 2000/-