Fee Payment Rules

Fee Payment  Rules

  • Fee is to be deposited every months by 5th late fine of rupees 10 will charge per day from 10th of every month.
  • In case we do not receive fees for 3 consecutive months from you, the child's name will be struck off from the roll.
  • Fee can be deposited in advance for any number of months or for the full session, if so desired.
  • Fees of May-June & December - January should be paid together in May & December respectively.
  • In case you have any further queries feel free to call own school office.
Gurukul Academy Sheikhpura Bihar

Monthly tuition Fees are payable for all 12 Months. They are to be paid before the 10th of month. For delayed payment a fine of Rs. 25 per month is charged. Fee for the month of March and April should be paid before the beginning of the student will be struck off from the roll. The parents must ensure that all the fees are positively paid on time.